Thursday, June 4, 2009

The anniversary

I was frustrated and angry today, because my wireless internet connection did not work almost the whole day, and I was treated with terrible customer service by the vendor who sold me the CDMA wireless card at Buynow Plaza. However, I'm happy to read the post entitled 'Looking Forward to Tomorrow' on China Hearsay before I go to bed. It's nice to read a post like that by a laowai who keeps the sanity, which is in sharp contrast with so many 'commentators'. I left a comment on the above-mentioned post and I do not have the desire to say more about the anniversary.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, too. 


Ramesh said...

Well said Hang. Laowais should stop preaching. I would rather listen to, and understand from, people like you.

Hang said...

Ramesh, thanks for the nice comment. This topic is been on for 20 years. I am bored and I move on. I appreciate your willingness to listen and to understand.

Thomas said...

I'm a bit confused:

Your link to China Hearsay leads to a post called "Too Many Unemployed Law Grads May Lead to Education Reform".

Hang said...

Hi Thomas, I just checked the link. Obviously, the post was removed from China Hearsay by the author. What happened was someone commented saying my comment was 'idiocy' and calling me 'an independent fish that only sees the water in the tank'. I responded with a short sarcastic comment. I guess the author doesn't appreciate it. :) Anyway, thanks for your interest.